After 2.5 years of researches and exchanges with different players of the recycling value-chain, the COLLECTORS consortium is happy to share with you its findings by publishing two documents:
- The COLLECTORS guidelines aiming to provide recommendations and good practices for local waste collection systems to better assess their situation and improve their performances. They include practical recommendations for local collection of paper and packaging waste, WEEE, and construction and demolition waste. It includes general recommendations, as well as more concrete illustrations on how local players succeeded in tackle local challenges and improve their performances.
- The COLLECTORS policy recommendations, providing propositions on how to improve national and regional framework conditions. They address six key topics and challenges highlighted by the project and provide different propositions to improve the EU, national, and regional frameworks so that local players can implement successful, economically-viable waste collection systems.
Both reports capitalise on the work of the consortium, but also the exchanges with external stakeholders and collaboration with other EU projects. The involvement of external stakeholders was a key element of the project, and it allowed to better understand the current challenges faced by the recycling value-chain, as well as relevant recommendations and good practices across Europe.